
  • Dmt dimethylüpinptamine C12h16N2 ob qho dimethylsuldfonioacetate dmsa glycine betaine 40% 80% DMSP

    Dmt dimethylüpinptamine C12h16N2 ob qho dimethylsuldfonioacetate dmsa glycine betaine 40% 80% DMSP

    Cov khoom noj ntxiv cov khoom noj nyob hauv cov khoom noj nuv ntses yog tam sim no zoo tshaj plaws, siv dav siv raws li nyiam ua neeg nyiam hauv dej. Cov tshuaj siv raws li tumor inhibitor.

    Cov nyhuv ntawm DMSP (DMT), Txawm hais tias qis dua ntawm cov neeg nyiam ua kom tus neeg nyiam amine and glutamine, DMSP (DMT) is known as the fourth generation of attractant, dimethyl beta – propionic acid thetin (DMPT) is a new generation of attractant.

    Cas No. 4727-41-7

    Kev lees txais: OEM / ODM, lag luam, lag luam wholesale, npaj txhij mus rau nkoj, SGS lossis lwm yam kev xeem thib peb

    Peb muaj tsib tus kheej lub tuam txhab hauv Suav teb, Wami-Qs / ISO / GMP tau ntawv pov thawj, nrog ua kab ke ntau lawm. Peb yuav saib xyuas tag nrho cov txheej txheem rau koj kom ntseeg tau tias qhov zoo ntawm cov khoom.

    Cov lus nug uas peb zoo siab teb, pls xa koj cov lus nug thiab xaj.

    Tshuag qauv yog dawb & muaj

  • DMPT Dimethyl-Beta-Proksa-Propiothetin Aceittin Aquatyl) DowntylSulfonium Verethyl-β-prodid thaud dawb crystalline hmoov

    DMPT Dimethyl-Beta-Proksa-Propiothetin Aceittin Aquatyl) DowntylSulfonium Verethyl-β-prodid thaud dawb crystalline hmoov

    DMPT yog ib qho tshwm sim uas tau tshwm sim, yog chav kawm tshiab ntawm cov neeg nyiam ntawm plaub tiam ntawm plaub lub sijhawm phagtertimulant. DMPT yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm cov cim tshiab ntawm dej nyiam ua kom txaus siab, tib neeg siv cov kab lus "ntses tom pob zeb" los piav txog nws cov nyhuv.
    Txais:OEM / ODM, kev lag luam, lag luam wholesale, npaj txhij mus rau nkoj, SGS lossis lwm yam kev xeem thib peb
    Peb muaj tsib tus kheej lub tuam txhab hauv Suav teb, Wami-Qs / ISO / GMP tau ntawv pov thawj, nrog ua kab ke ntau lawm. Peb yuav saib xyuas tag nrho cov txheej txheem rau koj kom ntseeg tau tias qhov zoo ntawm cov khoom.

    Cov lus nug uas peb zoo siab teb, pls xa koj cov lus nug thiab xaj.